ODSU is designed to mutiplex DS0 data signal (2.4 - 64 Kbps) as E1 signal and to transmit to remote site through fiber line.
Electrical Specification
Capacity Max. ports/system : 180 ports
Optical Interface wavelength : 1310/1550nm
Connector type : SC/PC
Output power : -8 ~ -15dBm
Max. transmit length : 15Km
Line Interface E1
Line data rate : 2,048Kbps
Line coding : HDB3
Impedance : 120ohm
Connector type : Rapping
Network mangement Interface : RS-232C
General Operating Temp:0℃~50℃
Dimension : 30cm(D) X 49.3cm(W) X 13.3cm(H)
Power : COT : -48VDC
RT : 110/220VAC
Power consumption Max 300W